Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mavericks hold keys to London power

Mavericks hold keys to London power

LONDON, England – The bloodshed to endure London’s Mayor, use convention a metropolis of approximately 13 King`s ransom community, has show at a critical minute all the rage British machination. It could ease select the event of the consequent Universal Option. On the contrary the combat is above all particular among two decidedly individualistic, eccentric politicians who are happening rebuff system accepted of [...]

Mavericks hold keys to London power

Mavericks hold keys to London power

LONDON, England – The bloodshed to endure London’s Mayor, use convention a metropolis of approximately 13 King`s ransom community, has show at a critical minute all the rage British machination. It could ease select the event of the consequent Universal Option. On the contrary the combat is above all particular among two decidedly individualistic, eccentric politicians who are happening rebuff system accepted of [...]

Mavericks hold keys to London power

Mavericks hold keys to London power

LONDON, England – The bloodshed to endure London’s Mayor, use convention a metropolis of approximately 13 King`s ransom community, has show at a critical minute all the rage British machination. It could ease select the event of the consequent Universal Option. On the contrary the combat is above all particular among two decidedly individualistic, eccentric politicians who are happening rebuff system accepted of [...]

Mavericks hold keys to London power

Mavericks hold keys to London power

LONDON, England – The bloodshed to endure London’s Mayor, use convention a metropolis of approximately 13 King`s ransom community, has show at a critical minute all the rage British machination. It could ease select the event of the consequent Universal Option. On the contrary the combat is above all particular among two decidedly individualistic, eccentric politicians who are happening rebuff system accepted of [...]

Mavericks hold keys to London power

Mavericks hold keys to London power

LONDON, England – The bloodshed to endure London’s Mayor, use convention a metropolis of approximately 13 King`s ransom community, has show at a critical minute all the rage British machination. It could ease select the event of the consequent Universal Option. On the contrary the combat is above all particular among two decidedly individualistic, eccentric politicians who are happening rebuff system accepted of [...]

Mavericks hold keys to London power

Mavericks hold keys to London power

LONDON, England – The bloodshed to endure London’s Mayor, use convention a metropolis of approximately 13 King`s ransom community, has show at a critical minute all the rage British machination. It could ease select the event of the consequent Universal Option. On the contrary the combat is above all particular among two decidedly individualistic, eccentric politicians who are happening rebuff system accepted of [...]

Mavericks hold keys to London power

Mavericks hold keys to London power

LONDON, England – The bloodshed to endure London’s Mayor, use convention a metropolis of approximately 13 King`s ransom community, has show at a critical minute all the rage British machination. It could ease select the event of the consequent Universal Option. On the contrary the combat is above all particular among two decidedly individualistic, eccentric politicians who are happening rebuff system accepted of [...]

Mavericks hold keys to London power

Mavericks hold keys to London power

LONDON, England – The bloodshed to endure London’s Mayor, use convention a metropolis of approximately 13 King`s ransom community, has show at a critical minute all the rage British machination. It could ease select the event of the consequent Universal Option. On the contrary the combat is above all particular among two decidedly individualistic, eccentric politicians who are happening rebuff system accepted of [...]

Mavericks hold keys to London power

Mavericks hold keys to London power

LONDON, England – The bloodshed to endure London’s Mayor, use convention a metropolis of approximately 13 King`s ransom community, has show at a critical minute all the rage British machination. It could ease select the event of the consequent Universal Option. On the contrary the combat is above all particular among two decidedly individualistic, eccentric politicians who are happening rebuff system accepted of [...]

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<h1>Mavericks hold keys to London power</h1>

<div> LONDON, England &#8211; The bloodshed to endure London&#8217;s Mayor, use convention a metropolis of approximately 13 King`s ransom community, has show at a critical minute all the rage British machination. It could ease select the event of the consequent Universal Option. On the contrary the combat is above all particular among two decidedly individualistic, eccentric politicians who are happening rebuff system accepted of [...]

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Job Vacancy Indonesia

Job Vacancy Indonesia

Lowongan Call Center Perusahaan Asuransi [Info Lowongan Kerja]

Posted: 29 Apr 2008 11:40 PM CDT

PT.PANIN LIFE Tbk LOWONGAN KERJA TERBARU PT Panin Life, Tbk., one of the best 200 company in Asia Pacific (Forbes Asia Magazine, 31 October 2005) with annual revenue around US $ 1 billion, invites you to apply as: CALL CENTER STAFF Requirements: * Max. 25 years old, Female, single * Min. D3 from any major * Strong Microsoft Office skills * High motivation * Fast learning * Have [...]

Kunjungi untuk info lebih detail

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru [Informasi Lowongan Kerja]

Posted: 29 Apr 2008 11:37 PM CDT

PT.Energi Mega Persada (PERSERO) Tbk; LOWONGAN KERJA BUMN Energi Mega Persada (EMP) adalah perusahaan nasional yang bergerak di bidang Eksplorasi-Produksi Minyak dan Gas Bumi. EMP memiliki...

Visit for details or click the title link above

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Job Vacancy Indonesia

Job Vacancy Indonesia

Pertamina Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru [Informasi Lowongan Kerja]

Posted: 29 Apr 2008 06:52 AM CDT

Kesempatan Kerja PT Pertamina (Persero) PT PERTAMINA (Persero) membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan terbaik perguruan tinggi program S1 dan D3 dari berbagai disiplin ilmu untuk menjadi pekerja di bidang...

Visit for details or click the title link above

Bank BII Lowongan Kerja Bank Terbaru [Job Career Vacancy]

Posted: 28 Apr 2008 09:37 PM CDT

We are a fast growing private national Bank are seeking several qualified individuals to support our expanding business in Jakarta area for the following positions :


Requirements :

Single, maximum 27 year of age
Bachelor Degree (S1) from a reputable university with GPA 2,75
Min 1 year experience as credit analyst, preferably in Banking or Financial Industry. High potential Fresh Graduate is welcome to apply

Lowongan CPNS DEPKES R1 Terbaru [Informasi Lowongan Kerja]

Posted: 28 Apr 2008 09:29 PM CDT

Panitia Kerja Tetap Tenaga Kesehatan Haji Indonesia (Panjatap TKHI) membuka kesempatan bagi Tenaga Kesehatan untuk menjadi petugas kesehatan haji Indonesia (PPIH atau TKHI) tahun 1429 H / 2008 M....

Visit for details or click the title link above

Nissan Motor Lowongan Administrasi [Job Vacancy Indonesia Malaysia Singapore]

Posted: 28 Apr 2008 09:17 PM CDT

PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of "Nissan" car. Our company employed more than 900 employees. As a worldwide company with Japan investment, we invite you to join our team, and grow with us.

Finance Staff

Job specification :

Position : Finance Staff
Department : Finance, Accounting, and Tax

Working Location : Head Office (Jakarta)

Job Description :

Mobile-8 Telecom Lowongan Telekomunikasi [Info Lowongan Kerja]

Posted: 28 Apr 2008 09:07 PM CDT

PT. Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk, one of the fastest growing cellular telecommunication companies in Indonesia is seeking qualified candidate to take the role as: RECRUITMENT & ASSESSMENT OFFICER MAJOR DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES: * Managing administration matters of recruitment, short listing application letters, scheduling interview, interviewing candidates, conduct & preparing report of psychological test * Conducting assessment for promotion * Preparing HR report & [...]

Kunjungi untuk info lebih detail

Beasiswa SUMMIT untuk S2 di Universitas Mataram [Beasiswa Indonesia Scholarship]

Posted: 28 Apr 2008 08:37 PM CDT

Susy K. Sebayang SUMMIT Institute for Development Beasiswa SUMMIT memberikan kesempatan mendapatkan pendidikan tinggi kepada calon pemimpin dan ilmuwan Indonesia. Beasiswa ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan mengembangkan kapasitas calon pemimpin dan ilmuwan Indonesia dalam hal pengetahuan, kemampuan analitis dan berpikir kritis yang dibutuhkan untuk mampu bersaing di dunia internasional. Persyaratan Beasiswa SUMMIT bersifat kompetitif dan dirancang untuk mencari dan...

For details and more daily-updated scholarship visit:

Beasiswa Dikti 2008 2009 [Info Beasiswa Internasional]

Posted: 28 Apr 2008 08:34 PM CDT

Beasiswa dikti: 903 lolos administrasi sudah diumumkan
Rekan-rekan Simatupang (siang malam tunggu panggilan)

Berikut saya lampirkan pengumuman ditnaga dikti. Dari 2332 orang pelamar telah diumumkan sebanyak 903 yang berhak untuk mengikuti wawancara.
info selengkapnya dan nama-nama bisa didownload di Alhamdulillah website ini sudah bisa dibuka lebih cepat dibanding hari-hari sebelumnya. Kalau kemarin-kemarin 2-3 jam buat membuka…sekarang bisa 5 menit.
Selamat buat yang lolos, yang tidak lolos coba lagi tahun berikutnya atau alternatif beasiswa lain.



Nomor : 1218/D4.4/2008 25 April 2008
Lampiran : 2 berkas
Perihal : Panggilan Interview Beasiswa Luar Negeri Tahap ke-3

Kepada Yth.
Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi/Institut/Poltek/Kopertis

Merujuk surat kami Nomor 4097/D4.4/2007, tanggal 14 Desember 2007 perihal pendaftaran beasiswa studi luar negeri tahun 2008, dan dalam rangka pelaksanaan pemberian Beasiswa Program S2/S3 Luar Negeri Tahun 2008, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi bermaksud menyelenggarakan interview tahap ke 3 bagi pelamar yang lulus pra seleksi administrasi berkas (daftar nama terlampir) untuk mengikuti interview pada awal bulan Mei 2008 di 13 kota di Indonesia (Jadwal dan Lokasi wawancara terlampir).

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut di atas, kami mohon pimpinan perguruan tinggi dapat menginformasikan kepada masing-masing peserta yang tertera namanya dalam lampiran, mengenai proses interview ini. Keikutsertaan yang bersangkutan mengikuti interview ini merupakan bagian dari tahap seleksi lanjut dan sekaligus bertujuan mengetahui potensi pelamar untuk memperoleh beasiswa dari Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi .

Demikian kami sampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerjasama yang baik, kami ucapkan terima

Direktur Ketenagaan


Muchlas Samani NIP. 130516386
Tembusan :
1. Dirjen Dikti
2. Kasubdit Pengembangan Ketenagaan Ditjen Dikti

unduh dokumen

Lokasi Seleksi
Jadwal Wawancara

Beasiswa Dikti 2008 2009 [Informasi Beasiswa Indonesia]

Posted: 28 Apr 2008 08:34 PM CDT

Beasiswa dikti: 903 lolos administrasi sudah diumumkan Rekan-rekan Simatupang (siang malam tunggu panggilan) Berikut saya lampirkan pengumuman ditnaga dikti. Dari 2332 orang pelamar telah diumumkan sebanyak 903 yang berhak untuk mengikuti wawancara. info selengkapnya dan nama-nama bisa didownload di Alhamdulillah website ini sudah bisa dibuka lebih cepat dibanding hari-hari sebelumnya. Kalau kemarin-kemarin 2-3 jam buat membuka…sekarang bisa [...]

Baca info beasiswa selengkapnya di atau klik link judul di atas.